— to seek confluence and inspire collaboration
— to advance learning, research, and development
— to incubate new products, experiences, and teams
Exhibit sophistication, mastery, depth, and humility. Small is beautiful. Quality and utility over scale.
Continually learn and evolve. Share and refine creative processes. Improve tools. Enable remixing and open collaboration.
Focus on community and a holistic approach to building. Encourage generosity and reciprocity. Reject opportunism and short-terms.
Celebrate humanity and global connectedness. Seek and create opportunities for international cultural exchange.
Like vectors of light, we have our own perspectives and aims. When we enter a space together, we fill it with warmth and energy. As we depart, we move in new directions, lighting up our surroundings. Straylight represents the vibrant people in our community, our points of intersection, and the creativity we project into the world.
光の束が放つ輝きのように、私たちはひとりひとり異なる世界観と人生の方向性を持っています。私たちは同じ場所に集うことで、その場に熱意やエネルギーを集中させます。そしてひとりひとりが別れるときに、新たな道を進みながら、また別の場所を光で満たしていきます。Straylight は光の束のように輝くコミュニティのひとりひとり、彼らの交わり、そこから生み出されたものづくりの力を表したものです。